Follows Sara, who recently divorced and decided to register for a 'From Fear to Love' retreat on the Italian volcanic island of Stromboli but she is confronted with the painful past she has been tryin...
纽约警局老干探吉米(布鲁斯•威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)笃信沉默是金,办案一丝不苟。他有个黑人拍档保罗(崔西•摩根 Tracy Morgan 饰)刚升为探员,自以为奥巴马做了美国总统,腰杆子就硬了。不但对小毛贼颐指气使,而且对老干探也不那么尊敬。因为一张1952年的珍贵棒球卡盗窃案,吉米和保罗联手出击。不过,这次的麻烦似乎没那么容易摆平。在调查中,一连串案件浮出水面,包括墨西哥美女绑架案...
埃及公主阿玛内特(索菲亚·宝特拉 Sofia Boutella 饰)和死神赛特签订了契约想要成为一统埃及的女王,哪知道计划失败,最终,阿玛内特被制作成为了木乃伊,含恨而终。一晃眼千年过去,海豹突击队队员尼克(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)在执行任务期间意外的闯入了一座位于地底的古墓中,唤醒了阿玛内特的灵魂,重返人间的阿玛内特决定将尼克的身体作为死神赛特的灵魂容器,在这个新世界里重新实现自...
Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the famil...