Following the Second World War, a northern cannery combine negotiates for the purchase of a large tract of uncultivated Georgia farmland. The major portion of the land is owned by Julie Ann Warren and...
When Ivy discovers the school bathroom is haunted, Bean helps Ivy to harness her witchlike powers. With the help of their classmates, Ivy and Bean orchestrate a ritual that will free the ghosts, save ...
科林(迈克尔·克劳福德 Michael Crawford饰)是一个个性非常腼腆的男人,向来没有什么女人缘,这和他的房客托伦(雷·布鲁克斯 Ray Brooks 饰)简直有着天壤之别。托伦不仅拥有英俊的外表,还有一套他自创的浑然天成的御女奇招,科林眼看着一个又有一个单纯天真的女孩落入托伦编制的情网之中。虽然嘴上骂着托伦的薄情寡义,但实际上,所有人都能看得出来,科林非常的羡慕托伦。...